What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of design and placement.  It is a way of creating harmony between humans and our environment to enhance our well-being.  Feng Shui literally translates to “wind-water”, and aims to maximize the beneficial movement of the chi- the universal life force in all things through an environment.  People are affected either negatively…

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Is Feng Shui for You?

Whether you are a business or an individual, Feng Shui can benefit your life. Are you tired of feeling trapped? Are you ready to attract or improve a relationship? Are you seeking a sense of fulfillment and purpose? Do you want to take your career to the next level of success? Are you buying or…

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ASID Code of Ethics

American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) recently updated the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. These changes reflect the legal, social and technological environments in which design is practiced today.  It is extremely important that Interior Designers have a sound business practice and ethical parameters. I am thrilled to announce this, as I have always…

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How to Work With Your Designer

You do not have to be RICH to work with an interior designer you just have to work SMART with your designer!  Hourly consultations are a smart way to get design tips and selection help.  There is a lot that can be done in one hour, so do not be scared of the price!  I…

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Urbane Design FAQ’S

What sets Urbane Design apart from other interior design companies? We take a simple approach to design, first and foremost focusing on functionality as well as aesthetics. We work with you to design the space of your dreams, within your budget and your time frame, and to suit all of your lifestyle needs. Whether you…

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Interior Designer vs. Decorator

What is the difference between an interior designer and a decorator? In a nutshell: education and experience. A decorator is someone who primarily deals with colors, finishes and furniture and typically stays within the residential boundary of interiors. Most decorators’ work individually and without a contract. Furniture mark-ups and hourly fees vary widely among decorators….

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Top Five Reasons to Hire an Interior Designer

1. Designers have access to a wide range of resources and know where to go to find exactly what you are looking for. Take advantage of discounts and trade only stores! 2. A designer will guide you through the decision making process, as well as offer a higher standard of living and most importantly longer…

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Builder Partnerships

At Urbane Design, our niche is working closely with builders to ensure projects are completed within the allotted time frame, budget, and most importantly, run efficiently.  With multiple years of experience, our designers possess the skills and know how to get the job done proficiently.  We will work directly with your homebuyer, so you can…

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Dreamy Custom Closets- Urbane Design is Featured in Closet Pages

This article was originally published on ClosetPages.com.  You can find more articles in our closet organizers blog, browse local closet organizers, view our closet design photo gallery, learn about closet storage & subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

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