Feng Shui: Pets

Pets are natural sources of chi and they can bring the loving spirit out in just about anyone.  Pets are brought to hospitals and retirement homes to strengthen the health and well being of the patients.   When you treat your pet with love and dignity, they bring remarkable energy to a home. When your pets…

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Feng Shui: Do’s and Don’ts in an Entry

The front door is regarded by the Chinese as the “mouth” of the home because this is where the external chi-the energy from the environment-enters your home. Do have an entry porch, front verandah or even an overhang to create a better chi- helping to draw good energy. Don’t have a pretentious front door.  No…

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Feng Shui: Yin and Yang

The Chinese believe everything that exists has chi and in turn, everything that has chi has yin qualities and yang qualities.  Yin and yang are opposites and complementary- one cannot exist without the other. One teardrop embodies yin qualities, which are soft, passive, nurturing, dark, fluid, even numbers and the right side of the body. …

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Feng Shui: Qi (Chi)

In traditional Chinese culture, chi is an active principle forming part of every living thing.  It is translated as “life-force” or “energy flow”.  Chi is believed to be in everything and links surroundings together.  It is associated to the flow of energy around and through the body, forming an interrelated and functioning unit. In feng…

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Feng Shui: The Five Elements

The Chinese believe everything in a constant state of change between the five elements or forces of nature called wu-xing:  Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.  These are not literal elements but are qualities, relentlessly overcoming each other in a continuous cycle. It can be creative and productive relationship:  Water enables Wood to grow; Wood…

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Feng Shui: The Ba gua

The Ba gua is an essential tool used in feng shui and literally translates to “eight symbols”.  The eight diagrams are used to represent the fundamental principles in reality and seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. The Ba gua is used to divide a home or room into eight areas based on the…

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What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of design and placement.  It is a way of creating harmony between humans and our environment to enhance our well-being.  Feng Shui literally translates to “wind-water”, and aims to maximize the beneficial movement of the chi- the universal life force in all things through an environment.  People are affected either negatively…

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Is Feng Shui for You?

Whether you are a business or an individual, Feng Shui can benefit your life. Are you tired of feeling trapped? Are you ready to attract or improve a relationship? Are you seeking a sense of fulfillment and purpose? Do you want to take your career to the next level of success? Are you buying or…

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