A Beginner’s Guide:  Working with An Interior Designer for The First Time

I have wanted to write on this subject for a while as I personally work with a lot of first timer’s, as such I have spent a significant amount of time note taking and collecting data.  If you have never worked with an interior designer before, the idea of hiring someone can feel like a daunting…

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How Quartz is Made by Econ Granite

It has certainly been the year of Quartz!  Jessica Love was recently asked to write a statement about Quartz for Econ Granite in reference to Quartz.  Check out what she and other designers had to say, as well as, learn more about the product here. How Quartz is Made If you’re a big fan of…

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Know The Difference: Quartz vs. Quartzite

Many of our clients ask us, “what is the difference between the two?” We are here to break it down for you. Quartzite is a natural metamorphic stone, quartzite is created when sandstone is under a lot of extreme heat and pressure from compression of tectonic plates in the earth’s crust. The stone is then…

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Join Us at The Second Annual Design & Build For the Cause

Urbane Design is partnering with Cate Black Photography to raise money for Austin Habitat for Humanity.  Join us for a unique three part fundraising event and change lives in our community.  The Second Annual Design & Build For the Cause will take place Monday, September 24th and includes a Scramble Golf Tournament, Pool Party, & After…

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Urbane Design’s Flagstaff Remodel is Featured on Remodelista

We are excited to announce that our Flagstaff Remodel is featured twice on Remodelista.com! Check out our features for “Remodelista Considered Design Awards 2018” in the categories of “Best Professional Living/Dining Space” and “Best Professional Kitchen“.

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Urbane Design is Featured on Houzz

Urbane Design was hand-picked by Houzz to be featured in an editorial ideabook on the home page of Houzz.  The article is about how to choose a ceiling fan, check it out here.  You can find our featured photo under “Outdoor Ceiling Fans” or just look below… The fan is pretty cool, but how about…

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Jessica Love- Austin Woman to Watch (Austin Woman’s Magazine)

Our principal and lead designer, Jessica Love is featured in Austin Woman’s Magazine as an “ATX Woman to Watch”.  Check out the official link here and pick up your copy of May 2018 Issue at your nearest news stand.

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Why Hire a Designer and what is the Difference between and Interior Designer and a Decorator?

Interior designers specialize in creating a home environment that supports the health, safety and welfare of the client.  Interior Design involves many practical and procedural considerations that affect comfort, function and safety. A good interior designer conveys an objective, creative and critical eye as well as an artistic flair to your home.  Equally important, a…

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Q&A With Jessica Love

Who is Jessica Love? One of my greatest strengths is connecting with people; this skill has proven to be a phenomenal asset with over 14 years in the interior design industry.  In addition to being an interior designer, I am an entrepreneur, philanthropist, mentor, mentee, lover of arts, antique enthusiast and world traveler.  In all…

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How to Make Your Home Elegant and Environmentally Friendly

Green living is more than a fad. It is a conscious way of existing that more and more people are embracing every day. For those who have been researching and implementing environmentally friendly elements to their homes for years, green living is essentially second nature to them. But for those who are in the process…

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Urbane Design is Nominated in Two Categories for 2018 Armadillo Awards

2018 is shaping up to be a great year all around and we are filled with gratitude!  We are excited to announce that Urbane Design has been nominated in two categories for the 2018 Armadillo Awards.  This makes our 4th year to be nominated!  Good, bad or otherwise this award goes to most popular vote….

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Best of Houzz

Better late than never…we have been meaning to post for a bit now.  One of our photos from the Mountain Residence won ‘Best of Houzz ‘.  How fun is that?!  This space was designed for the gentleman of the house in mind.  He wanted a place to escape with all of the luxuries of manliness…

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